Company Name :
Stark Industries Corporation
Established :
January 2022
Yasuhiro Kanemoto
Support examples :
・New business planning utilizing digital technology, data, etc.
・Technology selection and cost optimization in system development
・Adoption of agile development, in-house development, etc.
・Launching and improving inside sales organizations
・Human resources development and training programs related to the utilization of digital technology, and giving lectures

Main services offered
Support for new business development utilizing digital technology and data
Support for technology selection, cost optimization, etc. in system development
Support for the adoption of agile development, in-house development, etc.
Support for human resources development and training programs related to the utilization of digital technology
Execution of IT workshops and hands-on for college students
Support for study abroad and discussions between overseas students and Japanese students

Yasuhiro Kanemoto
#New business
#Technology utilization
#Data utilization
#New graduate recruitment strategy / branding

Shohei Ohkawara
#Work style reform
#Operational transformation
#NoCode development

Kosuke Miyasaka
#Cloud Development
#App Modernization
#AI Services
#Local × IT

Active engineer
■ Areas of specialty
Application development, AI utilization support
■ Achievements
・ Technology selection, cost optimization, etc. in system development of major railway company

Active consultant
■ Areas of specialty
Agile development, DevOps Adoption support, UX improvement support Business consulting for business planning and personnel department
■ Achievements
・ Lecture on work style reform for major corporate labor unions (4 Company)
・ Event stage for major railway Company

Active Marketing Manager in GAFAM
■ Areas of specialty
Support for new business development utilizing digital technology and data
■ Achievements
・ New business of a major food company
・ Major construction consulting company smart city business
・ DX lecture hosted by Tokyo

Active Business Manager in GAFAM
■ Areas of specialty
Launch of inside sales department, improvement support
■ Achievements
・ Launch of inside sales department of a major manufacturing company
・ Adoption of sales support tools and utilization promotion plan

Current designer
■ Areas of specialty
UX design, design consulting
■ Achievements
・ Application design UX workshop for major telecommunications companies